Thursday, August 10, 2006

Foreign Language Editions

A number of readers have asked me if the new Sixth Edition of my HTML, XHTML, and CSS book will be available in other languages and so I've been researching that. Currently, the Fifth Edition is available in Chinese, Croatian, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish.

There are Fourth Edition books also available in Bulgarian, Dutch, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Portuguese.

You can find the full table, with as many book covers as I could find, in the About section on my Web site.

As soon as I have more information about Sixth Edition translations, I'll post it here.


Anonymous said...

also available in persian

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth -- I just bought the 6th edition and I am finally getting clear answers to some of my questions about XHTML and CSS. Thank you -- the book is worth the price-- Orlin

My Books